Geotechnical Engineering Aspect Related to Pidie Jaya–Aceh Earthquake Disaster and Mitigation

- Munirwansyah, Reza Pahlevi Munirwan, Halida Yunita


Earthquake catastrophe in Pidie Jaya has caused damages to the city of Meureudu, Aceh-Sumatra Indonesia. Based on preliminary study for buildings and infrastructures, the geotechnical engineering aspects damages-related are presented. Seismic motion effect damage of earthquakes such as liquefaction of soil, lateral spreads, and ground failure were the majority effect for infrastructures and buildings. Moreover, failures of almost of multi-storey buildings and mosques along the national road lines are because the effect of peak surface accelerations and earthquake wave propagation forces which are very close with epicenter coordinates 5.308°N / 96.269°E in 4km radius. Seismic back investigates of the Aceh’s fault seismic source as well as initial probabilistic seismic hazard analysis post-Pidie Jaya earthquake for city of Mereudu is offered. Liquefaction potential analysis from the estimation of peak ground acceleration was conducted. Geotechnical aspect and substructure failure characteristics to infrastructure and housing damages due earthquake are also reported. The earthquake has caused 104 people deaths, 2.474 unit houses in total need to be rehabilitated and rebuilt, almost 10 km of roads and 50 bridges need to be reconstructed. Some descriptive countermeasures for reconstructions of geotechnical engineering aspects and mitigation are also provided.


Geotechnic Aspect; Earthquake; Disaster; Mitigation.

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