The Impacts of Transportation System towards the Military Logistics Support in Sabah

M. Halizahari, Mohamad Faris Daud, Azizi Ahmad Sarkawi


Military logistics are ranked among the critical components contributing to the military operation's success. The efficiency of military logistics support relies on its rapid response when a favorable choice of route and a high-performance vehicle is utilized. This study was conducted in Sabah to explore the logistics support’s effectiveness, with the military establishment scattered around Sabah while the central depot is remotely located from Kota Kinabalu to support the logistics required for the whole military. Further, a qualitative inquiry methodology was utilized in exploring the nature of issues. The interview protocol was prepared as a guideline. This study used purposeful snowball sampling and resulted in 17 key informants, comprised of military transport drivers and officers. A semi-structured interview was conducted with these key informants. This study found that the main challenges were the military troop transporting logistics on mountainous and poor road conditions. Moreover, the vehicle used to transport logistics is old, aging, and inefficient to perform logistics support. Hence, it is imperative was found that the transportation system consisting of Drivers, Roads, and Vehicles has a direct impact on inefficient military logistics support. In light of these challenges, a framework of transportation system impacts on military logistics in Sabah was developed. This study contributes to gaining more insight into the transportation system's influence on Sabah's military logistics efficiency. Finally, this paper offers a solution that is the right time to replace the military vehicles since most of the vehicles were already beyond their economic life.


Military logistics support; poor road conditions; road network; long-distance driving; transportation system.

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