Glucose Lowering Effect of Brown Pigmented Rice (oryza sativa l) in Diet-Induced Hyperglycemic Sprague Dawley Rats

Heni Purwaningsih, Wilma A. Hurtada, Aimee Sheree A. Barrion, Marites G. Yee, Josefina T. Dizon, Siti Nuryanti


The study investigated the dietary fiber and glycemic index of the three varieties of brown pigmented rice, namely, Inpari 24, Mawar, and Segreng, and the hypoglycemic effect of the rice variety with the highest dietary fiber and low glycemic index in hyperglycemic Sprague Dawley rats. Study phases included: 1) chemical analysis such as dietary fiber and amylose content, and proximate analysis of brown pigmented rice, 2) intervention phase 1: determination of effective dose of brown pigmented rice; and 3) intervention phase 2: in vivo evaluation of hypoglycemic effects of brown pigmented rice. Segreng variety contained the highest dietary fiber and lowest glycemic index. At the end of the intervention period, the effective dose to lower the blood glucose level was 75% cooked brown pigmented rice and 25 % commercial rodent feed combination with a reduction of 54.57 %. And its reduction was comparable to the blood glucose level of rats given glibenclamide treatment (58.24 %). A significant positive correlation for blood glucose with calorie, carbohydrate, and fat was also observed. Therefore, the consumption of cooked brown pigmented rice can lower blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic Sprague Dawley rats. Furthermore, the glucose-lowering could be due to the dietary fiber and amylose content of brown pigmented rice. Further study is recommended using human subjects, and it may also be replicated using other grains like corn, adlai, sorghum, and root crops.


Brown pigmented rice; low glycemic index; high dietary fiber; blood glucose level.

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