The Contribution of Internal Locus of Control and Self-Concept to Career Maturity in Engineering Education

Hendra Hidayat, Boy Yendra Tamin, Susi Herawati, Zadrian Ardi, Anggarda Paramita Muji


Students are faced with the choice to continue their education to a higher level of work after completing their education, including engineering education students. However, the fact is that the students who have completed their education cannot determine the career planning direction. This phenomenon implies that students do not have career maturity, especially in entrepreneurship. Career maturity is influenced by several factors, including locus of control and self-concept. This study aims to describe the internal locus of control, self-concept, and career maturity, test the contribution of internal locus of control and self-concept towards the career maturity of engineering education students in entrepreneurship. This study used multiple regression analysis. The research sample was 218 people consisting of students at private universities in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Data collection was done by using inventory Locus of Control and Self Concept. The research findings show that: (1) on average, the description trust of internal locus of control is in the high category, (2) the self-concept is in a positive category, (3) career maturity is in the high category, (4) there is the contribution of locus of control internal to career maturity of 7.5% (R = 0.275, the significance of 0.000), (5) there is a contribution of self-concept to career maturity of 7.2% (R = 0.268, the significance of 0.000), and (6) there is a joint contribution of locus of internal control and self-concept of career maturity by 11% (R = 0.332, significance 0.000).


internal locus of control; self-concept; career maturity; engineering education.

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