Evaluating Food Waste Handling Using Trios Monitoring System on Soy Industry in Bali, Indonesia

I Ketut Irianto, Gede Yohanes Arygunartha


The purpose of this paper is to analyze a series of operational systems for biofilter technology. The object of research is an area of Wastewater Treatment in the food industry Denpasar, Bali. The Trios System Monitoring Method can be analyzed in three stages of the process of pre-treatment, treatment, stabilization, and three treatments. Biology analyzes settings (giving oxygen, feeding the number of food microorganisms F/M/ ratio, speed of waste flow). The analysis shows that biofilter technology is a technology that uses physical and biological treatment without using chemicals.  Physical treatment is carried out by filtration, flotation, sedimentation. Biological treatment is carried out by regulating oxygen delivery with aeration period of 24 hours/day, microorganism feeding F/Mg/ BOD/MLSS/day ratio 0.05-0.2 with 100% proven waste flow BOD decreases by 80% pre-stage treatment.  The wastewater is forwarded to the biofilter pond and given physical treatment, biological, and tricking filter in speed regulation, treatment process stage, liquid waste originating from conventional ponds is inserted into the aeration pond with aeration period of 6.0-9.0/hour. Feeding microorganisms F/Mg/BOD/day/MLSS ratio 0.2-0.5 with the waste flow 50%, BOD decreased by 85%. Feeding microorganisms F/Mg/BOD/day/MLSS ratio 0.2 - 0.5 oxygen administration with aeration period of 6.0-9.0/hour, BOD decreased by 85-90%.


food waste handling; trios monitoring system; soy sauce industry.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.9.6.9614


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