PREDIX: A New Tool for Measuring Disaster Resilience Index Performance of Community Health Center

Rina Suryani Oktari, Safrizal Rahman, Tita Menawati Liansyah, - Nasliati


A Puskesmas is the singular Indonesian term for a Community Health Center, hereinafter termed as a Puskesmas Community Health Center or simply a PCHC. A PCHC operates under government directives at the sub-district level in Indonesia. A PCHC provides extensive services for the development of health and bolsters such health endeavors at the public-level and at the individual-level. A PCHC is a critical protagonist in reducing the problems created by a disasters hence the concept of the resilience of the PCHC in the face of disaster needs to be promoted. The aim of the present study was to design a Dashboard Screen Toolkit (DST) for performance monitoring and evaluation based on a canvas of PCHC resilience. The authors have developed a “PCHC’ Resilience to Disasters Index (PREDIX)†which is a computer interface or dashboard for visualizing PCHC resilience indicators. This means that disaster prevention personnel can monitor of PCHC resilience index performance data using a transparent and easy-to-operate medium. The stages of creating a DST for PREDIX has these steps: identifying parameters and indicators/indices of the PCHC resilience; evidence of design feasibility; building the technology connectivity roadmap for hosting the DST; catering for multiple platforms, and creating pertinent systems as a basis for the incorporation of fine-scale data. A conceptual model was built for documenting the components of the measurement process of the disaster resilience of a PCHC, incorporating potential measures for the production of a real-time evaluation tool-kit. The model has five parameters for measuring the disaster resilience of a PCHC, which are: real-time conditions of structures, institutional issues, the work force and personnel, external networks, and exposure to disaster. The PREDIX DST, hereinafter termed as PDST gives a visual interface to channel bulk information onto an interface monitor. The PDST complements strategic decision making with the goal of increasing the disaster resilience of a PCHC. The PDST provides charts that display structural and non-structural resilience measurements of PCHC. The PDST can also become enabled for the Internet. This innovative tool kit will help to tracking the progress of the disaster resilience of a PCHC. The PDST will aid policy makers regarding any necessary increase in PCHC resilience to disasters.


disaster; resilience; Puskesmas Community Health Center; Indonesia; healthcare; dashboard screens tool kit.

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