Impact of Interval Irrigation on Amino Acids Composition and Minerals Content of Potato Tubers Granola and Eigenheimer Cultivars

Nurpilihan Bafdal, Condro Wibowo


In general potato suitable cultivated in the highland area, the reasoning is in this altitude area the tuber’s growth of potato in which provides the optimum climatic condition. Vegetable such as potato is growth at any time of the year, depending upon the availability of water or irrigation water. The farmers also the cultivation of potato in medium altitude area due to the availability of the area is limited. Therefore cultivation of tubers in medium altitude area is investigated.  Potato Eigenheimer cultivars and Granola cultivars were planted at a medium altitude area of 754 m above sea level; in research station of campus Universitas Padjadjaran west Java Indonesia. The average temperature was 23°C. The treatments were three intervals of irrigation every two days (A1), four days (A2) and six days (A3); and the treatments were applied three of potassium fertilizer (KCL dosage: 50 (P1), 100 (P2) and 150 (P3) (kg/ha) which three levels of nitrogen. The result shows that two days of irrigation intervals (A1) and 100 kg/ha potassium (P2) obtain the highest essential amino acids concentration of Granola cultivar if compared with Eigenheimer cultivar. The interaction between the application of interval irrigation and potassium fertilizer effects to a mineral such as calcium and iron content in the tuber. While the content of both mineral is higher in Granola cultivar than that in Eigenheimer cultivar.


irrigation interval; amino acid; mineral content; potato

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