Adoption Model of Water Filter by The Society of Lake Water Users in Dry Land Area, Gresik, East Java, Indonesia

Esthi Kusdarini, Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Lukman Hakim, Suyadi Suyadi


North Gresik is a dry land area. The primary water source is lake water. The analysis result showed that lake water contained the contamination of ammonia, iron, manganese, organic matter, and a coliform total exceeding standard quality. This condition could endanger local societies. A water process was needed to remove water contamination and improve water aesthetics. In this study, the researchers were choosing a water filter as Water treatment tool. This tool used three media; manganese greensand, zeolite, and active carbon. This tool had an excellent performance to reduce lake water contamination, practical to use and affordable price. This research built Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to identify the factors and variables which were influencing water filter adoption by societies. Data collection was conducted by distributing questioners to 248 respondents. The finding showed that the behavior of tool accepting was the most take positive effect to tool adoption (path coefficient = 0.320), following governments' role path coefficient = 0.276) and infrastructure (path coefficient = 0.157). Behavior acceptance was a tool as mediate the relationship of society's perception to tool adoption and to mediate the relationship between institutional and tool adoption. The resulting model was included moderate because it was able to explain about 36.7% from variable variants in tool adoption. The variables, finding which influenced tool adoption in positive and significant effect, both directly and indirectly, were input, for the decision-maker (government) and local lake water process in making policies and developing work programs for sustainable water supply.


water filter adoption; active carbon; manganese greensand; structural equation modeling; zeolite.

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