Adaptation and Phenotype Varieties of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Linn. Moench) at Different Altitude

Praptiningsih G. Adinurani, Sri Rahayu, Luluk S. Budi, Roy H. Setyobudi


Sorghum is one of the main candidates for bioethanol feedstock. It is easy to cultivate and adapt to various land and altitude criteria but often developed in low land. The study aims to utilize land based on the altitude for the development of several varieties. An experiment was conducted on three different sites: dry land of a forest area with an elevation of 63 m above sea level (asl), on dry land with an elevation of 800 m asl, and on dry land with a height of 67 m asl. The interaction effect of both varieties and mycorrhizal towards adaptation and phenotypic appearance was evaluated. Factorial experiments were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design, consisting of varieties and doses of biological fertilizers. The varieties used were Suri-3, Suri-4, Kawali, and Super-2, and doses of biofertilizer were (5, 10, 15) g per plant. In all research locations, the interaction between varieties and doses of biofertilizer only significantly affected the number of internodes. At 67 m asl, the interaction affects the plant height, stem FW, leaf FW, and panicle length. Suri-3 and Super-2 showed the best response on the doses of 5 g per plant, while Suri-4 did on 15 g per plant. Kawali adapts well at 800 m asl and 67 m asl. Kawali achieved the highest panicle length and seed FW at 800 m asl, respectively 34.39 cm and 81.17 g. Super-2 has the best adaptation and phenotype at 63 m asl, with the maximum plant height of 301.28 cm.


altitude; dryland; mycorrhiza; phenotype; sorghum

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