Automatic Detection of Fetal Head and Fetal Measurement on Birth Time Estimation

Riyanto Sigit, Khusnul Danny Rahayu, Putri Nadiyah, Heny Yuniarti, - Anwar


Fetal biometry in ultrasound (USG) is a routine activity that can be used to determine the gestational age of a baby. Accuracy is needed when measurements are made. However, the low quality of ultrasound images and manual measurement that takes a long time and give rise to many different variations of values from each doctor or sonographer. Thus the measurement results obtained are less accurate. From these problems, the development of automatic detection and measurement of the fetal head is needed. One of them is by using a learning-based system method that will carry out the training process using Haar training to get features. The training process with the Haar method uses positive image data as objects and negative images as background. Haar training data that have been obtained, then used to detect fetal head objects automatically. Detection results are then processed to separate the object from the background image, which is then carried out the segmentation process to obtain the fetal head and fetal femur. Then the segmentation method used is Integral Projection to get the fetal head circumference and Find Contour to get the fetal femur. The parameters used to determine gestational ages are biparietal diameter and femur length. Based on experiments that have been done, obtained an accuracy rate of 97.77% using the proposed method for estimating gestational age automatically. Measurements are obtained by comparing the results of the doctor's diagnosis using manual measurements on an ultrasound machine.


ultrasound; fetal biometry; learning-based; biparietal diameter; femur length; integral projection.

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