Secure e-Health Record System Using Identity-based Encryption with Embedded Key

Dian Neipa Purnamasari, Amang Sudarsono, Prima Kristalina


The existence of electronic health record in the Internet world can result in the emergence of potentially unauthorized users to access and abuse the data. Therefore, it is necessary to have a high level of security that can maintain the confidentiality of electronic health record data. In cryptography, the longer the key then, the higher the level of security achieved. However, this can lead to slow computing time. Therefore, we propose a security method with an identity-based encryption scheme that is built hybrid using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and elliptic curve integrated encryption system (ECIES) algorithms or can be abbreviated as IBE-ECC-ECIES. An additional feature of the proposed method is the creation of key pairs generated by the ECC algorithm and there is an identity that has been embedded in the key pair in order to increase the level of security and uniqueness of the key. This method has been compared based on analysis of performance, computation time and the level of security in the same environment. This method is another IBE hybrid scheme called IBE-ECC-AES. The results of the test showed that the proposed method was superior to 0.3 seconds compared to the comparison method in the key pair generation process. In addition, security in the proposed method can overcome sniffing and chosen-plaintext attacks.


electronic health record; IBE; ECC; ECIES; embedded key.

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