Measuring User Experience During a Web-based Survey: A Case of Back-to-Back Online Surveys

Paulus Insap Santosa


The vast availability of the Internet allows surveyors to conduct web-based survey much easier than its offline counterpart. Previous studies have been conducted to measure survey tool usability. This article reports the results of a survey on the experience of students who have just completed a survey on students’ learning engagement. Students were emailed to participate on a survey about students' engagement on the learning process. After they have completed the survey, they were asked to complete another survey, a shorter one, to measure their experience during their first assignment. The second survey employed the user experience questionnaire (UEQ). The UEQ comprises 26 questions to measure six variables. There were 819 respondents who completed the first survey that 450 of them were voluntarily completed the second one. Data were analysed using UEQ data analysis. The result showed that out of 26 items, eight of them were evaluated positively and the rest were evaluated neutrally. Amongst those that were evaluated positively include friendly, good design, supportive, secure, organized, understandable, clear, and valuable.


user experience; web-based survey; ISSLA

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Published by INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development