Isolation and Identification of A Lipid-Degrading Bacteria from Fish (Sardinella longiceps) Canning Wastewater

Aji Sutrisno, Agustin Krisna Wardani, Lia Ratnawati


The aim of this study is to isolate and identify the lipase-degrading bacteria from fish canning wastewater. From this study, seven isolates of lipase-degrading bacteria were obtained. The high lipase-degrading activity was showed by isolate AG-2 and AD-1 with activity of 12.22 U/mL and 11.11 U/mL, respectively. Both isolates then characterized for the optimum temperature and pH. The result showed that the optimum temperature for growth of isolate AG-2 was 27oC, whereas isolate AD-1 was 37oC. Both of the isolates have the same pH for optimum growth, pH 8. Because the optimum temperature of isolate AD-1 has the same condition with temperature of sample, isolate AD-1 is chosen as alternative for biological wastewater treatment. Molecular identification of isolate AD-1 using 16S rRNA sequencing showed that it has 99% similarity with Bacillus cereus SBD1-8.


isolation; identification; lipid-degrading bacteria; fish canning wastewater

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