Evaluation of Seismic Performance Based on A Direct Displacement-based Method

Usman Wijaya, Roesdiman Soegiarso, - Tavio


Commonly, in the design of the seismic-resistant building, the force-based method has been popularly adopted to distribute the effect of earthquake forces to the building structure. This concept uses forces as an approach to simulate the impact of the earthquake on a building. To predict lateral forces of a building structure due to earthquake, Direct Displacement-Based Method (DDBM) can be introduced as an alternative solution. The performance level of a building structure can be categorized based on its damage level. In this paper, the performance-based evaluations were carried out according to ATC-40, FEMA 356, FEMA 440, and nonlinear time history analysis with seven ground motion (Denali, Imperial Valley, Kobe, Loma Prieta, Northridge, San Fernando, and Superstition Hills). The expected performances of the building structures were checked from the results obtained by the pushover time-history analyses compare to nonlinear time history analysis. The structural response parameters obtained from the force-based approach were found different from those obtained from the performance-based approach of the same building structures. The target displacements almost approach the results of DDBM. This means that the overall structure is in the category of performance criteria for Damage Control. The design level of performance is Life Safety, then the structure has not yet reached the target performance but approaching the design performance at a higher performance level. The actual structural response parameters obtained based on the DDBM were found slightly different from those stated in the ASCE 7-16. Therefore, the DDBM can be used as a promising alternative approach for the design engineers in evaluating the structural performance level of a building structure.


DDBM; earthquake; pushover analysis; seismic; time history analysis.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.9.5.7932


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