The Properties of Zingiberaceae Starch Film for Galamai Packanging

Wenny Surya Murtius, Purnama Dini Hari


This research was aimed to determine the characters of edible film from Zingiberaceae starch for galamai packaging. This research design was Complete Randomyzed Design with 4 treatments (temulawak starch, turmeric starch, red ginger starch and white ginger starch) and 3 replications. From the research it could concluded that edible film from temulawak starch had a better film characteristic for galamai packaging than other treatments. Its film properties were: thickness of 0,30 mm, water content of 13,07%, water activity 0,587, water evaporation 0,43 g/m2.h, and antimicrobial activity against microorganisms on galamaiof 2,4 mm (clear zone), and perfectly spread film under microscopic observation.


starch film; Zingiberaceae; packaging; galamai.

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