Remote Sensing Data Integration of Landsat 8 and SRTM for Geomorphological Characteristics Identification in Karst Pringkuku, Pacitan, East Java

Silmi Afina Aliyan, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Amien Widodo, Widya Utama


Pringkuku is one of the transition areas where the morphology of karst began to develop toward the western part of Gunung Sewu Karst region. The purpose of this research is to identify the landform unit in Pringkuku’s Karst as the result of geomorphological processes recorded by Landsat 8 image and SRTM image. The research was conducted by analyzing and dividing the landform units based on landform parameters such as flow patterns, slope forms, valley forms, and ridge patterns. Structural geology data such as a strike of joints and direct rock sampling are also used as the supporting data. The developing flow patterns are the multi-basinal and rectangular patterns in the western and eastern parts of the area respectively. Inferred from the analysis of joints pattern and stream lineament, the rectangular pattern is in direction NW - SE and NE – SW. The results of this research are two units of karst and structural landform, which are structural limestone hill unit in the eastern part of the area with 68.18% of spreading area of the total extent and conical limestone hill unit in western part of the area with spreading area of 31,82%.


landsat 8 image; SRTM image; landform; karst; Pacitan; remote sensing.

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