Improved Knowledge and Attitude about Healthy Snack at School through Peer Education

Reni Asmara Ariga, Sri Budi Astuti, Fajar Amanah Ariga, Selviani Ariga


The consumption of snacks becomes a habit of the children. The habit finds at all the socioeconomic level of society and at all the age level of children, especially in the school-age children. The peer educator is an education given to peer group which aims to increase knowledge, skill for a group member, especially in the health sector, including nutrition requirement for body covering balanced nutrition, healthy diet, prevention of dietary deviation, balanced menu arrangement, and proper nutrition when exercising. The peer education about nutrition for school children include nutritional needs, regulate health and nutritious snacks, meals to prevent the occurrence of illness due to errors in consuming the type of food. This study was aimed to determine the improved knowledge and attitude of students about the healthy snacks thought peer education. The study used a Quasi-experimental design. The sample of the research consists of 35 students. The result of the study shows that peer education increases the knowledge of 33 students (94,3%) in the good category and increase the attitude of 35 students (100%) good category. The results of the study suggested that the school administrators should select the food that had been sold in the canteen and optimized the UKS program for teachers, staff, and students. The school administration should talk about healthy snacks to the parents of children.


knowledge; attitude; healthy snacks; peer education.

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