Characterization of Geochemical Disposal on Indicate and Mitigation Acid Mine Drainage at Coal Mining South Sumatera Indonesia

Aida Syarif, M. Said M. Said, A. Halim PKS, Endang Wiwik DH


Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a term U.S. used to describe command infiltration of acid surface water in the mining areas.

The study of process for formation acid mine drainage can't be approached by two methods, the static and kinetic test. In the static test can't determinate acid formation with characterization of rock, can't be approach by Acid base accounting (ABA) method. In the methods of rock is analysis contents of sulfur, pH, Acid Neutralizing capacity and Net Acid Generation (ANG).  The Maximum Acid Potential (MPA) can't be approach percent's x 30.6  Kg H2SO4/metric ton. NAPP is difference between the MPA and ANC if NAPP positive the rock is PAF, while negative is NAF. Result of analyzed the Five samples had A,B,C,D and E each have NAPP is 22.48; 84.39; 13:83; 11.33 and -9.22 Kg H2SO4/metric ton. Analyzed samples From A, B, C, and D is category PAF and samples D is UC PAF. The last result property can't be describe command for all samples can't be united states to source of acid mine drainage. And then the future have to methods how to manage the rock for mitigation of acid mine drainage.


Characteristic Rocks, Static test, Acid Mine Drainage

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