Identification of Slope Stability Analysis

Ika Juliantina, Yulindasari Sutejo, Ratna Dewi, Bimo Brata Adhityia, Reffanda Kurniawan Rustam


Landslide was natural events that most often occur in Indonesia. South Sumatra Province has a lot of areas susceptible to landslide risk. The aim of this study is to the identification of slope stability analysis. A adjustment in the constancy of a slope can be caused by several factors: geological conditions, high rainfall, and the topography. The research location in Muara Enim regency (Cases: SP. Sugihwaras-Muara Enim and SP. Sugihwaras-Baturaja). The results of this research indicated Muara Enim-SP.Sugihwaras-Baturaja was the typology defined in this type of zone C because the area was included in the areas with slope 0 % to 20 %. The zone classification explained some of the caused landslides were natural factors, type of soil, and human activities. Natural factors such as heavy rainfall were 79-82 mm/month. Muara Enim regency conditions were a category of landslide because it was an area that had breccia rock types that were not compact and were weathered and bentonite clay that readily absorbs water. Based on the results of Slope/W analysis, safety factor (SF) in the case of SP. Sugihwaras-Muara Enim was 1.104 and the case of SP. Sugihwaras-Baturaja was 1.186. The value of SF was included in the criteria landslides where the SF less than 1.250.


slope stability; landslide; slope/w; safety factor (SF)

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