An Approach to the Utilization of Design Thinking in Artificial Intelligence Education

Seong-Won Kim, HakNeung Go, Seung-Ju Hong, Youngjun Lee


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues its rapid and relentless progression, the necessity for a comprehensive AI education has become increasingly evident. While South Korea has initiated various policies related to AI education, recent research has underscored the potential adverse repercussions of current instructional approaches on learners. In response to this pressing concern, the present study delves into integrating design thinking principles into AI education and meticulously assesses its impact on learning outcomes. To achieve this objective, we seamlessly amalgamated design thinking principles with AI problem-solving techniques, developing a tailor-made AI education curriculum explicitly crafted for middle school students. Subsequently, this innovative curriculum was implemented among middle school students, and their Computational Thinking (CT) competence was rigorously evaluated. The findings unequivocally establish that the infusion of design thinking into AI education significantly augmented the CT skills of the participating students. In comparison to the control group, it was discerned that middle school students who underwent AI education integrated with design thinking exhibited a statistically substantial enhancement in their Computational Thinking (CT) proficiencies. This study furnishes compelling empirical evidence that unequivocally endorses design thinking as a potent instructional approach within the domain of AI education, particularly for middle school students. Furthermore, it underscores the necessity of embracing innovative pedagogical methodologies in AI education to equip the younger generation with the indispensable skills to adeptly navigate the perpetually evolving landscape of an AI-driven future.


Design thinking; artificial intelligence education; computational thinking; middle school student; computing education

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