Research in Electronic Multi-Sensor Accuracy in the Implementation of Soil Fertility Monitoring System Using LoRA

Wahyu Pamungkas Tjiptoyuda, Mas Aly Afandi, Sarah Astiti, I Ketut Agung Enrico, Anis Sirwan Zukhrufi, Rahmat Hardian Putra, - Rohmat


The use of electronic sensors to track the nutrients in the soil is an interesting tool for farmers. This has led to the sale of many different kinds of electronic sensors with different levels of accuracy. The accuracy of this electronic sensor was figured out by comparing the results of the sensor's measurements with the results of lab tests done in different ways. This study compares the accuracy of electronic devices used to measure soil nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, electrical conductivity, water pH, and humidity to measurements made in the lab using the ICP-OES (Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy) method. We used three electronic sensors and a transmission system based on LoRA (Long Range) to measure the nutrients in the soil and put the results on our website. The similarities between electronic sensors and laboratory test parameters include the standard deviation, accuracy value, and correlation test between sensors and from the sensors to laboratory test results. The standard deviation parameter test showed a big value between the electronic sensor and the lab test results. However, none of the three used electronic sensors had a standard deviation number that differed greatly from the others. Except for the pH value of the soil, the electronic sensor's accuracy tests for the other five parameters were not very good compared to the lab tests. Also, the sensor correlation test showed a high correlation, while the correlation test between sensor data and lab test results showed a low correlation.


Electronic sensors; soil nutrients; accuracy; standard deviation; correlation; LoRA

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