Benefits of Using Technology through the Use of Applications in Integrated Referral Services in Social Welfare Centers (Puskesos)

Denti Kardeti, - Pribowo, Aep Rusmana, - Marjuki, Bambang Rustanto, Ayu Mirah Kirani, - Alfrojems


Integrated social services organized through the SLRT (Integrated Referral Service System) by the Puskesos (Social Welfare Center) were a step forward in answering today's increasingly complex social problems. On the other hand, the development of technology and information provided opportunities and challenges to unite the two technologies and integrate social services into a single unit to strengthen further efforts to solve social problems. The involvement of technology through applications was a step forward and quite visionary to take advantage of technological developments, especially the closer technology and information to today's society. Based on these conditions, the purpose of this study was to examine deeply the benefits of using technology in integrated referral services carried out by Puskesos. In line with these objectives, the method used was qualitative with descriptive type. Data collection techniques include documentation studies, observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Furthermore, the sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling, and the number of informants in this study amounted to 70, spread over two locations, namely Sleman Regency and Bandung Regency. The results show four benefits that were quite dominant in the use of technology in integrated social services: effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, and public trust. Realizing this benefit, it is hoped that other supporting programs will be involved in the form of socialization related to the use of technology through the use of applications in these services.


Integrated social services; technology; social problems

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