Rule-based Procedural Generation of Item in Role-playing Game

Chin Kim On, Ng Wai Foong, Jason Teo, Ag Asri Ag Ibrahim, Tan Tse Guan


This paper demonstrates the significance of rule-based procedural generation of item in role-playing game. The main aims of this project are to: implement rule-based randomized algorithm and totally randomized algorithm in generating item procedurally in Role-Playing Game (RPG), and compare the advantage of rule-based randomized algorithm against totally randomized algorithm in item drop mechanism. Experimental results demonstrate success with all aims: rule-based randomized algorithm is proven to be a better game changing factor in procedural generation of item as it can control the prolific generation of strong items in the early stage of the game. This helps to balance the game and prevents any snow-balling effect as the game progresses.


role-playing game; procedural generation; rule-based randomized algorithm; totally randomized algorithm

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