The Behavior of Shallot Farmer Using Pesticides in Lembah Gumanti District, Solok Regency, Indonesia

- Elfianto, Rahmat Syahni, - Asmawi, - Ifdal


Shallot plants in the horticultural plant require fertilizers and pesticides to grow and develop. This research focuses on the factors that influence the behavior of shallot farmers in the use of pesticides using the approach of predisposition, enabling, and reinforcing factors. This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive approach in Lembah Gumanti, Alahan Panjang Subdistrict, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. The selection of Solok Regency was carried out purposively because Solok is the largest shallot production area in West Sumatra. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square structural equation modeling. This research showed that (1) dispositioning factor do not have a significant effect on the behavior of shallot farmers in using pesticides; (2) enabling factor has a significant effect on the behavior of shallot farmers in using pesticides; (3) reinforcing factors have a significant effect on the behavior of shallot farmers in using pesticides; (4) Disposing of factors has a significant effect on the intention of shallot farmers in using pesticides; (5) intention has a significant effect on the behavior of shallot farmers in using pesticides. Thus, our study discovered that dispositioning traits have no obvious effect on the pesticide use behavior of shallot producers. However, enabling, reinforcing, and disposal variables and intention all have a significant effect on shallot producers' pesticide use. Further research is recommended using the interview to obtain comprehensive results regarding the dispositioning factors that do not significantly affect the behavior of shallot farmers in using pesticides.


Behaviour; enabling; farmers; predisposition; reinforcing; shallot.

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