Hydraulic Analysis of Dredging Impacts in Downstream Reach of The Tulang Bawang River

Dyah Indriana Kusumastuti, Dwi Jokowinarno


The Tulang Bawang river is one of the largest rivers in Lampung Province, Indonesia, transporting humans and goods. Changes in upstream land use, climate, and sedimentation are silting the riverbed and disrupting transportation. To this end, investors and government agencies have submitted various proposals to carry out sand mining downstream to assist the local government in revitalizing transportation. However, some government and community assets are likely to be affected in the upstream part that is planned to be dredged. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a modeling scenario of riverbed dredging in the lower reaches of the Tulang Bawang River from the estuary to 11.8 km upstream. It also aimed to review the impact on the environment, especially the impact of flooding and sedimentation by 17.8 km upstream, using the HEC-RAS software. The scenarios of upstream and downstream boundary conditions were used to determine the significance of the impact. The results showed that dredging would cause water level elevation to drop upstream and sediment deposition along the river section dredged. However, the decrease in river water level was insignificant for the upstream assets and beneficial for reducing flood inundation. The result of sedimentation analysis shows that river dredging leads to morphological changes and may have an environmental impact. Therefore, effective environmental management for dredging needs to be applied to minimize the environmental impact.


Dredging; flood; sedimentation; environment.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.13.1.17024


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