Characteristics of Phenotypes of Local Goat Quantitative Properties in East Kolaka Regency, Indonesia

Muhammad Amrullah Pagala, Aka Rahim, Achmad Selamet Aku, La Ode Arsad Sani, La Ode Muh Munadi, - Melisa, Yaddi Yamin


Goats are a type of livestock that most people mostly keep to produce meat and milk to meet the protein needs of animal origin. Even local goats, such as kacang and jawarandu goats in East Kolaka Regency are used as a source of community income, especially education costs. This study aims to determine the quantitative characteristics of local goats in the East Kolaka Regency, carried out in three sub-districts: Ladongi District, Lambandia District, and Uluiwoi District, from January to April 2021. The research sample was 496 male and female local goats grouped by age < 1 year to > 3 years to determine quantitative characteristics in the form of bodyweight, chest circumference, shoulder height, and body length. Data and information were tabulated and analyzed descriptively, and a T-test was performed. The results of T-test analysis for body weights of kacang and jawarandu goats in the age group showed significant differences (P<0.05) in both aged 6-12 months, 13-24 months, 25-36 months and >36 months, including chest circumference, shoulder height, and body length, while the diversity of head sizes of kacang and jawarandu goats including head length, head width, ear length, and ear width there was no significant difference (P>0, 05) between the head length of male and female goats aged 6-12 months, 13-24 months, 25-36 months and >36 months. So, it can be concluded that between kacang and jawarandu goats, there are differences in quantitative characteristics.


Local goat; quantitative nature; East Kolaka.

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