Determination of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Flavonoid Levels in Garcinia cowa Roxb Fruit Flesh Extract

Prima Minerva, Dira Hefni


Garcinia cowa Roxb is a plant used as traditional medicine containing antioxidant activity. Plant extracts with antioxidant activity are often used as bioactive ingredients in anti-aging cosmetics. Studies on bioactive compounds and the use of this plant in cosmeceuticals have yet to be widely reported. This study aims to determine and analyze the levels of flavonoids, vitamins C, and vitamin A in G. cowa fruit flesh extract. These three compounds are bioactive ingredients that are beneficial in reducing the symptoms of photo-aging on the skin. The G. cowa used in this study was obtained from Tampunik Kambang, Pesisir Selatan Regency, and was extracted by maceration method using 96% ethanol. The testing of vitamin C levels in the extract of G. cowa fruit flesh was carried out through High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method using a UV detector with a wavelength of 264 nm. Quantitative HPLC analysis was carried out based on the resulting peak area data from the chromatogram. Vitamin A and flavonoid levels were measured using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry (UV-VIS) at maximum wavelengths of 286 and 429 nm. The results show that the levels of vitamin C and vitamin A in G. cowa was 151.4 mg/100g extract and 1.23 g 100g extract, while the flavonoid level was 69.5 mg/100g extract. The level of vitamins C, vitamin A, and flavonoids in G. cowa can contribute to natural bioactive substances and can be developed further into anti-aging cosmeceutical products.


G. cowa; Vitamin C; Vitamin A; Flavonoid.

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