Effects of Oversampling Smote and Spectral Transformations in the Classification of Mango Cultivars Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Ali Khumaidi, Ridwan Raafi'udin


Near-Infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is a non-destructive analytical technique that can provide chemical and structural information on samples in a speedy and accurate time. NIR has a wavelength of 750-2500 nm. However, the absorbance bands of the NIR spectrum are often broad, non-specific, and overlapping. NIR spectrum analysis requires a multivariate method which is very subjective to noise arising from instrumentation. There is no standard protocol in modeling for classification and prediction using NIR spectra. Several models have been developed with and without pre-processing techniques. The SMOTE technique can improve the model to predict all class responses accurately. This research contributes to creating a multiclass classification model for grouping mango cultivars by finding the best pre-processing technique and using SMOTE oversampling. The results of the four test scenarios on the model's performance built using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) that the best model is obtained using spectral transformations with LSNV and CLIP operations with 100% accuracy, precision, and recall values. The Decision Tree (DT) has the performance results in 100% model was obtained by using spectral transformation with LSNV, CLIP and SAVGOL operations with parameters {'deriv_order': 0,1, 2, 'filter_win': 11, 13, 'poly_order': 3}. Using SMOTE has better accuracy than without pre-processing, with an accuracy of 92% on SVM and 94% on DT. In comparison, the combination of SMOTE and Spectral Transformation gives classification results for SVM and DT with the same accuracy of 96%, better than using SMOTE only.


Classification; cultivar mango; near-infrared; spectral transformation; oversampling SMOTE.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.12.3.16001


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