User Experience Guidelines of Augmented Reality Application for Historical Tourism

Afiqah Basir, Muhammad Haziq Lim Abdullah, Mohd Hafiz Zakaria


Malaysia Smart Tourism 4.0 is a government initiative that aims to transform the tourism industry to the next level. Tourism 4.0 is the next generation of the tourism industry that uses the latest industrial revolution technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR). AR is a new technology that uses computer graphics to create the illusion of being in the real world. In recent years, the Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) approach has been used in many sectors such as tourism, education, and healthcare. User experience is crucial for MAR applications since it attempts to meet the user's needs and enhance engagement. However, limited studies on user experience in historical tourism have been explored due to the lack of evidence and empirical research. Thus, this study is to propose user experience guidelines for an Augmented Reality application for historical tourism. More than 60 articles related to AR in tourism were analyzed using thematic analysis in this study. The study resulted in two findings: (1) the user experience guidelines of Augmented Reality for historical tourism applications, and (2) user experience that was influenced by the application features and the requirements of tourists. The findings will be used to propose an UX design for MAR applications in the context of historical tourism. Most significantly, the number of successful deployment use cases for MAR applications is currently limited, especially in the tourism industry. Thus, it is critical to have a comprehensive set of variables has been considered for success.


Augmented reality; mobile application; historical tourism; AR guidelines.

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