Needs Analysis of Entrepreneurships Pedagogy of Technology and Vocational Education with Production Base Learning Approach in Higher Education

- Ganefri, Hendra Hidayat, Indrati Kusumaningrum, Aznil Mardin


This research is aimed to analyze entrepreneurship pedagogy needs of Technology and Vocational Education in higher education. This needs analysis explored deeply the importance of entrepreneurship pedagogy of Technology and Vocational Education including curriculum aspects, instructional materials, pedagogy, and instructional materials needs. The type of the research is descriptive with survey methods. Technique of data collection was spreading questionnaire and interview. The sample is students of Technology and Vocational Education, lecturer of entrepreneurships course, and entrepreneurs. Technique of data analysis used in this research was quantitative and qualitative. Based on the result of needs analysis which is done quantitatively and qualitatively, it can be concluded that (1) there are needs disparity between students and entrepreneurship lecturer, especially in the aspect of learning models (methods, approaches, materials, modules and other instructional materials used), and (2) entrepreneurs hope that there is a curriculum which can enhance the creativity and innovation of the students by considering input from experts in the curriculum preparation. Besides, this research revealed that the students of Technology and Vocational Education, lecturer of entrepreneurships course, needs a development of learning model which supports entrepreneurship pedagogy especially in Technology and Vocational Education.


needs analysis; entrepreneurship pedagogy; technology and vocational education

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