Seismic Hazard Zonation in Gedebage Future Development in Bandung City Using HVSR Inversion

Nendi Rohaendi, Rahayu Robiana, Emi Sukiyah, Dicky Muslim, Athanasius Cipta


Greater Bandung, the largest economic growth corridor in Indonesia after Jabodetabek, is sitting on the Bandung basin. This deep sedimentary basin is situated just 12 km south of the active Lembang fault. Gedebage is an area intended to be the new economic and business center located in the easternmost of Bandung. The research aims to identify the vulnerability of Gedebage area against seismic ground motions. The area's morphology is dominated by a flat area with 0 – 8% of slope and predominantly composed of an old lake deposit. Topography, including basement morphology, sediment thickness, and physical properties, plays a great role in escalating/de-escalating seismic ground motions. A specific morphology may trap and prolong seismic shaking. Furthermore, stiffness and bedrock depth are instrumental in passing the spectral ground motions to the surface. The HVSR inversion method is applied to map subsurface conditions that successfully applied in Palu and its surrounding area. The research shows that Gedebage areas are vulnerable to the seismic hazard, referring to the shear wave velocity (Vs30) distribution and seismic hazard micro zonation maps. The discussion of the research findings is useful for future infrastructure development in the research area. The area is categorized as soft soil and medium soil classes, and it has a high vulnerability for destruction if there is an earthquake. The area should be cleared from vital infrastructures such as government buildings, schools, or hospitals.


Seismic hazard; Gedebage; Bandung basin; HVSR inversion.

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