Double Production of Shallot (Allium cepa L var. aggregatum) based on Climate, Water, and Soil Management in Sandy Land

- Sutardi, Joko Pramono, Sugeng Widodo, Tri Martini, Annisa Dhienar Alifia, Yayan Apriyana, Popi Rejekiningrum, Nanik Setyowati, Hano Hanafi


The objective of this study was to double production by True Shallot Seed (TSS) in sandy land agro-ecosystems, widely adapted especially in temperate climate regions. Even though vegetative planting has been carried out using tubers in rice fields and dry land in Indonesia, not much has been done on sandy land. Another research gap also presents from the considerably low actual productivity (10-15 t ha-1) that still can be doubled (>20 - 30 t ha-1) in sandy land. The study used three varieties (Lokananta, Bima, and Trisula) and carried out in three stages: characterization and identification of soil biophysical properties, an in-site study of the seed nursery system of TSS, and an assessment of cultivation development based on plant populations increasing production. This study resulted in TSS productivity 30.66-236.00% higher than average national productivity for all three varieties; this is a novel finding. TSS productivity on sandy land ranging from 14.831 to 28.178 t ha-1 was above the national average production at 10.48 t ha-1 of bulb-seed originated shallots. Thus, this result indicates that TSS seed planting system is more profitable, particularly for shallot seed producers (traders and farmers), aside from saving transportation costs. Another benefit is supporting planning and agronomy development, especially the progress of planting shallot from seeds in Indonesia.


Shallot; TSS; nursery; production; varieties; sandy land

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