Studies of Genetic and Morphological Characteristics of Indonesian Melon (Cucumis melo L. ‘Hikapel’) Germplasm

Adib Fakhruddin Yusuf, Budi Setiadi Daryono


The abundance of biodiversity in Indonesia is due to variations in germplasm and the diversity of plant species. Due to the high potential and demand for melons, it is necessary to innovate the assembly of superior varieties through a plant breeding approach. Here, we report the identification of phenotypic and genotypic traits with their phenetic relationships to determine the premium characteristics of the new melon cultivar - Hikapel. Observation of morphological characters using observational studies, qualitative descriptive, and quantitative identification at two cultivation locations: (1) Prambanan, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, and (2) Pangalengan, Bandung Regency, West Java. Meanwhile, molecular character testing uses the ISSR markers UBC-807, UBC-808, UBC-810, UBC-812, and UBC-825. Morphological character data were analyzed using SPSS one-way ANOVA with LSD and Duncan tests. All data were grouped based on similarity values using cluster analysis of the multi-variate statistical package (MVSP 3.1) to determine the tested kinship relationship between the varieties. The results showed that Hikapel has several diagnostic characters as a new variety, namely: globular shape with cream-colored skin, aromatic fruit, small size, high sweetness level, and short harvest time. The stability and uniformity test results those characters of Hikapel can be maintained at various locations. This research can serve as basic data for developing melon varieties based on genomic data and aims as an initial step in the innovation of Indonesian Agriculture.


Stability; inter-simple sequence repeat; Hikapel; variety.

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