Implementation of Asynchronous Microservices Architecture on Smart Village Application

Sri Andriati Asri, I Nyoman Gede Arya Astawa, I Gusti Agung Made Sunaya, I Made Riyan Adi Nugroho, Widyadi Setiawan


This paper discusses the implementation of microservices architecture in smart village applications. The smart village application is a village-based online marketplace that facilitates various business actors' buying and selling process in a village. This application manages five types of products: lodging reservations, tourist attraction tickets, culinary purchases, and purchasing knick-knacks show tickets. The complexity of processes, data, and high potential users requires that the system architecture is designed to produce a scalable, fault-tolerant system and easy to develop. Microservices architecture is one of the recommended architectures for building a scalable, fault-tolerant, and maintainable application. This architecture has several variations, ranging from variations in communication between services to the technology used. The suitability of applications with architectural variations and the complexity is a challenge in implementing this architecture. This paper describes how to implement the microservices architecture in smart village applications. Design and implementation of the microservices architecture in the smart village application was followed the WSIM or Web Services Implementation Methodology stage. The implementation results show that the application is easier to manage because it is divided into independent microservices. Implementing asynchronous communication and a choreographic approach to each service makes the client application response faster; besides, it did not affect other services if there is a problematic service.


Microservices; smart village; asynchronous.

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