Eight Prime Numbers of Modified RSA Algorithm Method for More Secure Single Board Computer Implementation

Nanang Triagung Edi Hermawan, Edi Winarko, Ahmad Ashari


RSA is the most popular public-key cryptography. The main strength of the algorithm is based on the difficulty of factoring in a large integer number. RSA has also been applied in a system with limited resource environments like single-board computers (SBC). To ensure data security, a recommendation to use a key size longer than 2048 bits generates challenges for implementing RSA in the SBC. This research proposes an EPNR (Eight Prime Numbers of Modified RSA) method, a modified double RSA based on eight prime numbers combined with the CRT method, to speed up the random key generation and decryption mechanism. The method is implemented in a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B+. The running time and security performances of the EPNR were analyzed and compared to the other models. Compared to the others model based on the standard RSA scheme, the proposed model is faster 21.78 times in a random key generation, 9.03 times in encryption and decryption processing. The EPNR has resistance to Wiener, statistical, and factorization attacks (GNFS and Fermat).  Using standard RSA in the second encryption mechanism, the GNFS is not yet effective for attacking the proposed model. The modified Fermat Factorization algorithm is more difficult and needed more extra times for factoring a large composite number into eight prime numbers correctly. The method will be useful for implementing certificates authentication and distribution of the secret key. It is very suitable to enhance more secure RSA implementation in an SBC environment.


RSA algorithm; multi-prime numbers; single-board computer; information security.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.11.6.13700


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