Integration of the CYMDIST – RT-LAB Platforms for the Real Time Analyze of Distribution Networks

Edwin Ricardo Rodríguez, Diego X. Morales


Nowadays, one of the main challenges of electrical distribution companies is becoming part of the era of intelligent networks with computer systems developed in parallel with the electrical needs to obtain the entire distribution network simulations and models. The concept of automation must be implemented to carry out the planning, operation, and optimization processes of the behavior of the distribution networks. Thanks to this development, since 2004, the implementation of the simulation and the CYMDIST modeling system in Ecuador's electrical companies has been possible; nevertheless, with certain dynamic limitations in real-time. Therefore, this document presents the development of an interface that integrates the RT-LAB real-time simulation software to the CYMDIST environment, using the 34 node IEEE model. This proposed integration model will allow evaluating and validating the correct communication between the computer packages and examining the behavior of the proposed system under certain test scenarios that guarantee optimal performance by performing a load flow analysis that provides magnitude and angle values both in voltage and current. The results obtained were very close in levels of precision of the model, and it can be appreciated employing the proposed graphical interface. Furthermore, with this investigation, the possibility remains open for future investigations in which it is complemented with more detailed and complex analyzes.


CYMDIST; RT-LAB; simulations; real-time; interface; communication.

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