The Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum L) flour as a Feed Additive on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Super Free-Range Chickens

Jein Rinny Leke, Erwin Wantasen, Florencia Sompie, Ratna Siahaan, James Hellyward, Mirzah Mirzah


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of feeding Garlic Flour (GF) meals on the performances and carcass characteristics of super free-range chickens (SFRCs). Two hundred SFRCs were divided into 5 treatments with 5 replicates per replicate containing eight chickens. This experiment used a completely randomized design (CRD) with Basal Feed (BF) and GF. The 5 treatments were P0 = BF + 0% GF, P1 = BF + 1% GF, P2 = BF + 2% GF, P3 = BF + 3% GF, and P4 = BF + 4% GF. Variables were the weight of dressed, carcass, breast, heart, liver; abdominal fat, cholesterol, HDL, LDL of blood; cholesterol, water content, protein content, and fat content. Data were analyzed using the ANOVA test, and significant differences between treatments were determined using a Duncan multiple-range test (DMRT). The result of this study showed that P4 was significantly different (P<0.01) between percentages of dressed weight, percentages of the carcass, breast weight, heart weight, liver weight, abdominal fat, blood cholesterol, blood HDL, blood LDL, cholesterol, water content, protein, and fat of meat. In conclusion, GF can act as an organic food additive which P4 could increase growth and carcass performances with no negative effects on SFRCs. This research recommends that garlic be used for chicken feed; it can also be a juice drink.


Feed additive; garlic flour; super free-range chicken; native chicken.

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