Improving Health Care Service through Healthy Psychological Capital and Positive Attitudes

Ariyanti Saleh, Hillman Wirawan, Muhammad Tamar


This study aims to investigate the interaction between Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and Organizational Commitment in predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) via Work-Engagement among nurses in Indonesia. Although most studies supported that PsyCap always had a positive impact on desired employee’s outcomes, the effect could be different across jobs. The Cognitive Evaluation Theory was used to explain how the co-existence of Organizational Commitment could reduce the effect of Nurse’s PsyCap. This study administered 900 survey booklets to six randomly selected hospitals in the eastern part of Indonesia. The survey included demographic data (e.g. age and tenure), Psychological Capital Questionnaire, Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, Utrecht Work-Engagement Scale, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale. There were 637 (71%) out of 900 registered Nurses fully participated in the data collection and mostly female (529 or 90.6%). The data were analyzed with Moderated-mediation technique using PROCESS by Hayes in SPSS. The results suggested a partial mediation effect of Work-Engagement on the PsyCap-OCB relationship. This indicated that PsyCap directly predicted OCB or via Work-Engagement. The key findings also indicated that having a high degree of Organizational Commitment could reduce the effect of PsyCap on Work-Engagement and subsequently on OCB. It appeared that while Nurses maintained a high Organizational Commitment, their PsyCap did not contribute significantly to OCB and Work Engagement.


health care services; PsyCap; OCB; work-engagement; organizational commitment.

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