Developing Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) Screening Based on Android Applications

Desi Sarli, Faridah Mohd Said, Ali Ameen, Imam Gunawan


Maternal Mortality Rates (MMR) in Indonesia are still relatively high and not yet to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target of MMR in 2014 of 133/100,000 live births. One of MMR's causes is due to 3 delays, namely the delay in the introduction of danger signs and decisions, new arrivals at health facilities, and delays in service at health facilities. For prevention purpose, a Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) screening application are needed. This application aims to do labor planning and determine the risk of pregnancy so that the mother is ready to face the risk of complications at delivery. This research method uses a prototype method of designing and building applications. For testing this application, researchers conducted a BPCR screening test on 30 pregnant women. Then the data is tested for validity and reliability using sensitivity and specificity tests. This study's results can display the main page application, Birth Preparedness of the Application, Complication Readiness of the Application. The Result of BPCR of the Application. This application has been tested for validity and reliability by using a sensitivity test of 83% to determine the high/moderate risk of pregnancy that experiences complications during labor. At the same time, the specificity test was 77.78% to determine the low risk of pregnancy that did not experience difficulties during labor.


Birth preparedness and complication readiness; BPCR; screening; android application.

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