Assessment of Spatial Water Quality Observation of Citarum River Bandung Regency Using Multivariate Statistical Methods

Ahmad Musnansyah, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Linda Marliana, Endang Widayati, - Zulfakriza


Citarum River is one of the most important rivers in Indonesia. Around 16 million people interrelate with this river, covers 12,000 Km2 of the watershed, supplies water for irrigation of 420,000 hectares of rice fields, provides 80% of water need for the city of Jakarta- the capital of Indonesia. Unfortunately, Citarum was also known as one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Although there is much attention to this river nowadays, there is still no analysis to determine the latent contributing factors of water quality cluster distribution. This study aims to provide spatial water quality on the Citarum River Bandung Regency. This study can help the government decide on how to manage the water quality of Citarum and all socio-cultural factors involved in polluting the river. Open Data can also use the data and result for further research. Assessment of Citarum water quality is done through the application of multivariate statistical approaches. The data set comprises one-month observation data from 75 stations positioned in Citarum Bandung Regency and its tributaries. Factor Analysis with PCA as the extraction method gives two factors while CA showed three clusters suggesting the different physicochemical characteristics and pollution levels of the Citarum water systems. BOD, COD and DO, together with total P and Fecal Coliform are identified as two underlying factors on water quality in Citarum and its tributaries in Bandung Regency. Descriptive Statistic values confirm the quality of Citarum Bandung Regency low water quality.


Citarum; water quality; multivariate statistics; cluster analysis; latent factors; coliform.

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