Potential Availability of Indigenous Resources to Reduce Agriculture Environmental Problems in Klaten, Indonesia

Sigit Soebandiono, Anton Muhibuddin, Edi Purwanto, Djoko Purnomo


Inorganic fertilizer usage in high doses for rice cultivation in Indonesia has become a sustainable agriculture threat. Klaten has approximately more than 50% of the total areas were used for agricultural land. It needs a huge amount of agricultural input, especially fertilizer requirements. It is better to select a fertilizer that concerns soil conservation and is more environmentally friendly, i.e. organic fertilizer implementation, utilizing the materials to ensure its adequate availability. This research aims to identify the potential availability of organic fertilizer materials, which the farmers usually use in Klaten, and analyze how farmers' existing conditions can utilize the indigenous sources as organic fertilizer materials. This research used a descriptive method by using the data from field observation. The results showed that the potential availability of organic fertilizers in Klaten, such as Local Microorganism (MOL) of the banana hump, papaya fruit, and pineapple fruit, are 24,493.55 liters per year. They can cover about 979,742 ha paddy field area; Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) of the bamboo root is 210,290 liters per year, and it can cover about 8,412 ha paddy field area; and animal manure composted of cows, goats, sheep, buffaloes, horses, and chickens’ dung is 101,841.91 tons per year, and it can cover about 20,368 ha paddy field area. The majority of the farmers used indigenous organic fertilizer because of their benefit for low-cost production and the ease of getting it.


Organic fertilizer; PGPR; environmental; manure; MOL.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.11.3.11585


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