Mendeley Impact on Scientific Writing: Thematic Analysis

Kisman Salija, Rahmat Hidayat, Andi Anto Patak


The quality of scientific writing is based on its impact on knowledge development. This study aims at exposing the Mendeley impact on scientific writing. The thematic analysis was applied in this study to transcribe the recordings and translate as well as analyze the transcripts through NVivo 8 software. This study reveals that the identified themes appeared in this study are avoiding plagiarism, backup file, change citation style, personal library, and social network. This study recommends that due to the plagiarism deterrent is problematic in scientific writing; students are required to be educated on this issue. This study also reveals that research collaboration in internet connection could be the basis of building the real network by creating research community and organizing conference for knowledge sharing among the researchers.


Mendeley; scientific writing; research impact; thematic analysis

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Published by INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development