Utilisation Gold Snail Flour Fermented Papain Enzyme in Feed as Biofermentor to Increase Growth of Channa Striata

Andi Khaeriyah, Nur Insana, Muhammad Ikbal


This study aimed to measure the optimal concentration of the enzyme papain that can be used in the snail goldfish fermentation to improve the performance of Channa Striata. This research conducted in May to September 2019 In Freshwater Fish Seed Center (BBI) Limbung, Gowa Regency. The feed used is pellet feed made from the gold snail, which segmented with the papain enzyme papaya. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of four treatments and three replications, namely: A 1.5%, B 2.25%, C.3% and D. Control (0%). The data obtained were processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Duncan. The results showed the feeding of golden snails fermented by the enzyme papain with different concentrations provided (P <0.05) the level of protein digestibility, fiber digestibility, protein retention, feed efficiency, albumin reserves, and calcium growth. However, no significant effect (P> 0.05) on fat retention and Channa Striata fish seed survival. Protein digestibility, fiber digestibility, protein retention, feed use efficiency, albumin content, and balance growth. The highest value at the time of preparation B (2.25%) with the respective values (87.66%), (91.24%), (58.07%) (79.05%), (9.77%), (94gr) while the level of protein digestibility, fiber digestibility, protein retention, feed efficiency, albumin content, and concentration growth. The lowest obtained in treatment D (0%), were (60.09%), (81.72%), (32.56%), (54%), (7.88%) and (89.11gr). Water quality in the maintenance media during the study was 26-290C, pH 7-8, Oxygen 4-6mg / l and ammonia 0.013-0.11 mg / l.


papain enzyme; growth performance; Channa Striata.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.10.5.11364


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