Post Transportation Analysis of Liver Biochemistry and Morphometric Colon in Broiler Supplemented by Probiotic

Roostita Lobo Balia, Diding Latipudin, Lovita Adriani, Lilis Suryaningsih, Andry Pratama, Gemilang Lara Utama


The transportation process in the daytime will exposure heat stress on the broiler so that it leads to occur the alteration of metabolism in the broiler’s body and damages some vital organs such as liver and colon. Therefore, it needs to be done a solution to solve those problems. One of those is the supplementation of probiotics. The research method was done by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) 5 treatments and 4 replications T-0 (Control), T-1 Skimmed Milk +  (Lactobacillus Plantarum + Lactobacillus acidophilus),T-2 Skimmed Milk + (Lactobacillus plantarum + Trichosporon beigelii), T-3 Skimmed Milk + (Lactobacillus  plantarum + Cryptococcus humicolus), T-4 Skimmed Milk +  (Trichosporon beigelii + Cryptococcus humicolus). The data analysis was done by using the ANOVA test. If the result was significant further tested by using an orthogonal test. Afterward, the Duncan test was used for testing the parameter of colon morphometric. The result shows that the probiotic supplementation has no significant result (P>0.05) on a level of protein and colon morphometric. However, it gives a positive effect if compared with control. Meanwhile, the probiotic supplementation gives a significant result (P<0.05) on a level of liver fat. The best treatment is T-3 because it has the lowest value of liver fat. Consequently, the probiotic supplementation can maintain broiler’s performance at post transportation especially in handling heat stress.


broiler; probiotic; liver biochemistry; morphometric colon; heat stress.

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