The Effect of the Addition of “Senduduk†leaves (Melastoma malabthricum) on The Characteristic of Crackers

Kesuma Sayuti, Deivy Andhika Permata, Oni Novita


Many studies reported that “Senduduk†leaves have a bioactive component, but the utilization has not optimal. This study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of “Senduduk†leaves on the characteristics of crackers. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments, that was the addition of leaves (A; 0%, B; 4%, C; 6%, D; 8%, and E; 10%) and 3 replications.  It was conducted in two stages. The first step was to determine the products that were well accepted (score ≥ 3.5) by using sensory analysis. The second step was the chemical analysis of the products. The Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DMNRT) at a significance level of 5%. The results of the sensory analysis showed that all treatments were acceptable in color, crispness, and taste (score ≥ 3.5). There are significant differences between the treatment on the moisture content, ash content, free fatty acid levels, and no significant difference between the treatment on the fat content and protein content. The best product was the addition of 8% leaves, with moisture content 3.84% ± 0.57; ash content 1.46% ± 0.02; fat content 21.86% ± 0.43; free fatty acids content 0.16% ± 0.02; protein content 8.93% ± 0.48; tannin 0.063% ± 0.03; quercitrin 2.74 ppm, and antioxidant activity (IC50) 7,013 ± 124.56 ppm and the mean value of sensory analysis were, 3.92 ± 0.81 of color, 4.24 ± 0.66 of crispness and 3.60 ± 0.71 of taste.


antioxidant activity, crackers, quercitrin, “Senduduk” leaves, tannin

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